We do things intentionally at Fairview,
all to see people make Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior and in so doing follow Him and lead others to Him.
Worship Experiences
We call our services “Worship Experiences” because we want you to experience the fullness of who God is in the Persons of the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and our Father, and leave impacted and changed. We don’t do “canned” services. While we do have a flow that is planned so as to operate with excellence, the Holy Spirit has full and FINAL authority in our experiences to intervene and change the plan anytime He wants – and often He does! We believe church, and specifically the worship experience, should be something that is not predictable, and also something that provides spiritual renewal and healing.
Worship at Fairview
The worship at Fairview Knox, is certainly something that can only be described as anointed. With Worship Leader David Jenkins at the helm, the worship ministry prepares each week to lead our church in anointed and purposeful worship. With a blend of modern, contemporary, hymns, gospel, and more our style doesn't fit a box. Whether it is being apart of the Fairview Choir, the band, the praise team, or the media team, there is a place for you to serve in the worship ministry at Fairview. Reach out to us at for more information on how you can serve at Fairview through worship. Enough talking about it, check out the Plan Your Visit form below and come join us in person to be apart of Worship at Fairview.
Fairview Baptist Church, founded in 1877, and now known as Fairview Knox Church, is located in Corryton, Tennessee just outside of Knoxville. We are a diverse group of believers committed to connecting people to Jesus Christ, His Church, our community and the world. We are an Ephesians 4 Fellowship with a vision to be a church that aligns closely with the Biblical model of the early church.
If you are new to Fairview, we are glad you found us. Please visit our “I’m New” page to plan your first visit, learn more about Fairview and our meeting times, and know how to be part of what God is doing here.
Pastor Jeff LaBorg joined Fairview Church as Lead Pastor in February 2015.
He has led four churches as a lead pastor over the past 25 years.
Follow Pastor Jeff at his YouTube Channel for more of his teaching.

Anna Cantrell
Executive Assistant to Lead Pastor

Alisa Jacobs
Preschool and Parents Day Out Director

Melissa Curington
Housekeeping Supervisor

Jequetta Cottrell
Worship Ministry Assistant

Beverly Keener
Financial Secretary

Austin Angel
Creative and Communications Director

Gretta Cardwell
Ministry Assistant - Pastoral Care

Seth Majors
Next Gen Ministry Associate

Brandon Harold
Media Director

Renonda Kirk
Student Ministry Assistant

Zoe Curington
Contact Us
If you would like someone from the Church to contact you please fill out this form and we will have someone contact shortly.